Annual Reports

GPRBA's Annual Report provides highlights of all the different activities undertaken throughout the year, including the portfolio of Subsidy Projects, Technical Assistance Activities, and Dissemination Activities. In addition, it provides information on the strategic direction of the program and Financial status to the donors and other interested parties.

GPRBA Annual Report 2024

FY24 marks another transformative year for GPRBA. One of the significant achievements was the approval of a $4.2 million results-based financing (RBF) grant to support the Papua New Guinea National Energy Access Transformation Project (NEAT). This report provides an overview of our key…

GPRBA Annual Report 2023

FY23 was an important year for GPRBA, underscored by two significant achievements. First, a $6.6 million GPRBA grant package was approved for the Yemen Integrated Urban Services Emergency Project II (YIUSEP II). Second, GPRBA held the RBF Forum in May 2023 in Nairobi, Kenya, the first in person…

GPRBA Annual Report 2022

As of June 30, 2022, the GPRBA portfolio consisted of 58 grant projects in 7 sectors, spanning over 30 countries and 1 territory, for a total grant commitment of $304.7 million and cumulative disbursements of $224.8 million. The portfolio continued to maintain a strong focus on International…

GPRBA Annual Report 2021

The Partnership broadened its mandate in 2019 to incorporate more flexible financing solutions beyond OBA, to keep up with the changing needs of our clients and to achieve greater impact. The name change to GPRBA marked this expansion. It made more RBF instruments available, and leveraged the…

GPRBA Annual Report 2020

In addition to showcasing the wide range of activities achieved during fiscal year 2020, this Annual Report sheds light on some of the many ways GPRBA continues to employ innovative results-based financing instruments to strengthen service delivery, incentivize long-term and sustainable change,…

GPRBA Annual Report FY2019

This is the first annual report published by GPRBA under its new identity, and presents the activities of fiscal year 2019.    There is renewed emphasis in "leaving no one behind" as GPRBA has expanded its toolbox of financing instruments to reach the underserved and vulnerable populations…

GPOBA Annual Report 2018

The report covers highlights of this fiscal year of 2018 (July 1, 2017 to June 30, 2018), in which GPOBA commemorates its 15th anniversary, along with a review of the progress towards achieving the partnership's goals of designing and implementing OBA pilot projects, building a Center of Expertise…

GPOBA Annual Report 2017

GPOBA was established in 2003 to explore output-based approaches to basic service provision. It is housed within the World Bank’s Social, Urban, Rural and Resilience Global Practice (GSURR). Over its 14 years in operation, GPOBA has built a diverse portfolio of 48 subsidy projects in 28 countries…

GPOBA Annual Report 2016

GPOBA’s achievements this year demonstrate the strong ongoing coordination between the operations and knowledge aspects of its work, which together aim to ensure that poor populations are included in development gains. Going forward, GPOBA and its partners will continue to work with results based…

GPOBA Annual Report 2015

The Annual Report for fiscal year 2015 (FY15) describes GPOBA’s efforts toward fulfilling its mandate to fund, design, demonstrate, and document OBA approaches to service delivery. During FY15, we balanced our ongoing commitment to deepening the impact of OBA in tested sectors with exploring the…

GPOBA Annual Report 2014

This has been a year of significant growth for the Global Partnership on Output-Based Aid (GPOBA), exploring new horizons in output-based aid (OBA), celebrating important milestones, and building on experience. Most importantly, GPOBA continued to improve access to basic services for an…

GPOBA Annual Report 2013

This year marks a milestone for GPOBA, commemorating 10 years since its founding. Over the past decade, through a diverse portfolio of 36 projects, GPOBA is fulfilling its mandate to fund, design, demonstrate, and document output-based aid (OBA) approaches to improve delivery of basic services to…

GPOBA Annual Report 2012

The report, spanning the fiscal year of 2012 (July 1, 2011 to June 30, 2012), reviews progress towards achieving the Program’s goals of designing and implementing OBA pilot projects, building a Center of Expertise, piloting other results-based approaches, and communicating with the development…

GPOBA Annual Report 2011

The Global Partnership on Output-Based Aid (GPOBA) portfolio of 30 projects delivered impressive results and reached a record number of beneficiaries.  The amount disbursed in fiscal year 2011 (July 1, 2010 to June 30, 2011)--US$24.2 million--equaled total disbursements for the previous four years…

GPOBA Annual Report 2010

GPOBA’s Annual Report 2010 reports that wider adoption of results-based financing instruments, such as output-based aid (OBA), is now in sight, thanks to a number of positive developments:  The World Bank is developing a new instrument designed to support government programs and more directly link…

GPOBA Annual Report 2009

GPOBA’s Annual Report 2009 states that output-based aid (OBA) can help improve delivery of basic infrastructure and social services to the poor, and is an approach that is “maturing” and proving to have a meaningful role both in the World Bank Group (WBG) and the wider development community.  …

GPOBA Annual Report 2008

Output-based aid (OBA) can increase access to basic services for the poor in developing countries and improve the delivery of services that exhibit positive externalities, such as reductions in CO2 and improvements in health, says GPOBA’s Annual Report 2008.

GPOBA Annual Report 2007

GPOBA's first Annual Report, published in August 2007, gives an overview of the program's activities and objectives since its creation in 2003.