GPOBA Annual Report 2018

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GPOBA Annual Report 2018

The report covers highlights of this fiscal year of 2018 (July 1, 2017 to June 30, 2018), in which GPOBA commemorates its 15th anniversary, along with a review of the progress towards achieving the partnership's goals of designing and implementing OBA pilot projects, building a Center of Expertise, piloting other results-based approaches, and communicating with the development community.

Notable results achieved during the year include the signing of two new grant agreements: one for a sanitation scale-up project in Nairobi, Kenya and another in Burkina Faso for our first water project supporting irrigation for smallholder cotton farmers.

With US$3.84 million of new disbursements bringing cumulative disbursements to US$247.7 million, GPOBA has provided access to basic services to nearly 10 million low-income beneficiaries. Our multi-sector portfolio of 49 OBA subsidy schemes in 29 countries is now seeking to expand its scope of work to align with the World Bank's "Maximizing Finance for Development" vision, with emphasis on supporting blended finance, the Payment-for-Results financing program, and impact bonds.  

GPOBA Annual Report 2018 (12.36 MB)