Grant funding projects are at the core of GPRBA’s business model, and implementation of these projects provides the evidence and lessons from success and failure to document best practices. These projects are in a diverse range of sectors: education, energy, health, land administration, solid waste, telecommunications, and water and sanitation.
Title | Type | Status |
Bangladesh: OBA Sanitation Microfinance Program | Grant Funding | Closed |
Solomon Islands: Electricity Access Expansion Project | Grant Funding | Closed |
Philippines: Access to Sustainable Energy Project – PV Mainstreaming | Grant Funding | Closed |
Zambia: Electricity Access for Low-Income Households | Grant Funding | Closed |
Bangladesh: Scale-Up for Rural Electrification and Renewable Energy Development | Grant Funding | Closed |
Ghana: Urban Sanitation Facility for the Greater Accra Metropolitan Area | Grant Funding | Closed |
Kenya: Urban Water and Sanitation OBA Fund for Low-Income Areas | Grant Funding | Closed |
Mali: Rural Electrification Hybrid Systems | Grant Funding | Closed |
Honduras: National OBA Facility for Water and Sanitation Services | Grant Funding | Closed |
Uganda: Reproductive Health Voucher Program (RHVP II) | Grant Funding | Closed |