Grant funding projects are at the core of GPRBA’s business model, and implementation of these projects provides the evidence and lessons from success and failure to document best practices. These projects are in a diverse range of sectors: education, energy, health, land administration, solid waste, telecommunications, and water and sanitation.
Title | Type | Status |
Morocco: Improving access to Water and Sanitation | Grant Funding | Closed |
Colombia: Access to Natural Gas | Grant Funding | Closed |
Uganda: OBA in Water Supply in Small Towns and Rural Growth Centers | Grant Funding | Closed |
Mongolia: OBA Pilot Project of Universal Access Strategy | Grant Funding | Closed |
Indonesia: Expansion of Water Services in Low Income Areas of Jakarta | Grant Funding | Closed |
Senegal: On-Site Sanitation Project | Grant Funding | Closed |
Armenia : Gas and Heating | Grant Funding | Closed |
Zambia: Electricity Service Access Project | Grant Funding | Active |
Indonesia: Expanding Telecommunications in Rural Areas | Grant Funding | Closed |