
Technical Assistance
Mexico: Water Utilities Efficiency Improvement (PROME)
December 20, 2010 |Feature Stories
Mexico to Pilot Output-Based Efficiency Investments in Water Utilities
March 18, 2015 |Other news items
New Video Depicts Improved Lives in Honduras via Water and Sanitation
June 19, 2007 |Press releases
World Bank and Honduran President Work to Meet MDGs through US$4.5m GrantOutput-Based Aid in Water and Sanitation: The Experience So Far
Output-Based Aid (OBA) has been used since the early 2000s to deliver basic infrastructure and social services to the poor, typically thr

Regulation of Water and Sanitation Services: Getting Better Service to Poor People
Output-based aid (OBA) approaches to improving water and sanitation service can work in a variety of circumstances.