GPRBA is a global partnership program in the World Bank Group. Through a diverse portfolio of projects, GPRBA funds, designs, demonstrates and documents results-based financing approaches (RBF) to improve the delivery of basic services in developing countries. Large development projects too often fail to include the very poor, and GPRBA is dedicated to making sure the poor and marginalized have access to electricity, water, sanitation, health care, education and other basic services necessary for growth and opportunity.

March 22, 2011 |Press releases
Bangladesh: More Low-income Rural Households to Benefit from Solar Home Systems
December 20, 2010 |Feature Stories
Mexico to Pilot Output-Based Efficiency Investments in Water Utilities
November 09, 2010 |Feature Stories
Microfinance Equity Funds and Output-based Aid Experts Launch Consultative Process on Access to Finance
September 24, 2010 |Feature Stories
India: Dr. Water Changes Lives in Andhra Pradesh
July 08, 2010 |Feature Stories
Philippines: Water for the Poor
June 25, 2010 |Feature Stories
Indonesia: New World Bank Loan is an Opportunity to Apply Output-Based Aid Principles on a Larger Scale
June 15, 2010 |Feature Stories
Lesotho: New Public-Private Partnership Set to Boost Access to Health Care for the Poor
May 25, 2010 |Feature Stories
Africa Day: A Look at OBA in Africa
May 13, 2010 |Press releases
World Bank-administered GPOBA and IDCOL Help Low-Income Households in Bangladesh Access Electricity
May 03, 2010 |Feature Stories
Maji Ni Maisha: Innovative Finance for Community Water Schemes in Kenya
April 22, 2010 |Feature Stories
Filling the Heating Gap for Armenia’s Urban Poor
April 12, 2010 |Press releases
Yemen: World Bank-administered GPOBA Helps Expand Access to Water Supply
March 25, 2010 |Press releases
Results-based Aid Approach Can Improve Access to Basic Services for the Poor, Says New World Bank Study