GPRBA's flagship knowledge event, RBF Forum 2023, was held in Nairobi, Kenya from May 22-25, 2023.
The forum served as a platform for showcasing impactful projects, unveiling evidence of results-based financing (RBF) approaches in development, fostering knowledge exchange among RBF practitioners, and thought leaders, and facilitating invaluable networking opportunities.
Opening the forum on day one was "Showcase Day," which offered a series of presentations and engaging panel discussions. Notably, participants gained insights into the global landscape of RBF through thought-provoking discussions among diverse organizations and partners. These discussions delved into how RBF can effectively address development challenges and the future opportunities for this financing modality.

Day Two witnessed the forum's focus shift towards in-depth discussions and immersive workshops. Participants had the benefit of learning directly from field experts, sharing their own experiences and challenges, and establishing connections with fellow practitioners. Key themes explored included forced displacement, gender, climate change and innovative RBF instruments like impact bonds.

On Day Three, attendees embarked on a field visit to Kayole Soweto, an informal settlement in Nairobi that has benefited significant cross-sectoral infrastructure investments through GPRBA and the World Bank over the past decade. Touring the settlement, participants witnessed firsthand the impact of the investments and discussions with residents and implementing partners offered invaluable insights and considerations for future projects.

On the concluding day, a wrap-up session was conducted to distill the key insights garnered during the forum and foster constructive discussions on the path ahead. This comprehensive session served as a platform for participants to reflect collectively on the wealth of knowledge and experiences shared throughout the event.
Forum Highlights
Building a Path to Results: Three Vital Elements of Successful Outcome-Based Approaches
RBF and Multi Urban Crises
Resident Perspectives on Investments in Kayole Soweto