E-Learning on RBF and OBA for Sustainable Solid Waste Management
Dissemination|Activity Status: Closed
$34,765 -
Approval Date
March 03, 2017Closing Date
June 30, 2018 -
The objective of this activity is to develop e-learning resources on the applicability of RBF/OBA in Solid Waste Management (SWM) The activity is designed as e-resource that will inform development partners and practitioners engaged in the design of solid waste management schemes (SWM) on the applicability of RBF/OBA for the sector as well as implementation challenges and opportunities. Furthermore, it will address lessons learned from specific case studies. It will be executed in collaboration with experienced consultants on knowledge management and solid SWM. It will be designed as flexible standalone resource and in parallel to work in partnership with relevant e-leaning channels.