Providing Safe Delivery Services With Vouchers: The Reproductive Healthcare Voucher Project in Western and Southern Uganda
Year Published
GPOBA presented key lessons learned in the Reproductive Healthcare Voucher Project (RHVP) in Uganda through the International Finance Corporation (IFC) SmartLessons, a World Bank Group awards program which enables development practitioners to share lessons in development operations. The paper was rated among the highest by the SmartLessons judges and received first place in the SmartLessons Private Sector Participation in Health Special Competition. The RHVP was also recognized by the Africa Region Vice President Team awards program for outstanding team achievements demonstrating development impact and results, innovation, client focus and leveraging of partnerships.
RHVP provided subsidized vouchers to women in Uganda for a package of birthing services at clinics, services supplied by skilled medical practitioners. It also provided subsidized vouchers to couples for HIV/AIDS and other sexually transmitted diseases. A total of 137,964 vouchers were sold, including 106,306 Safe Delivery vouchers and 31,658 STD vouchers. Vouchers were introducted for the first time in a healthcare context in the World Bank's Africa region, creating a unique opportunity to capture and share new lessons in healthcare.