Grant Funding
Gaza: Solid Waste Management
Grant Funding
Liberia: Solid Waste Management Project in Monrovia
November 08, 2013 |Feature Stories
West Bank Solid Waste Management Project Highlighted by World Bank
September 02, 2013 |Press releases
840,000 West Bank Residents to Benefit from Improved Solid Waste Management Services
March 27, 2013 |Press releases
Nepal: 800,000 People to Benefit from Improved Solid Waste Management ServicesPublic-Private Partnership Stories: "West Bank & Gaza -- Solid Waste Management"
This two-paged fact sheet from the IFC's Private Advisory Services includes information on the project's background, the World Bank's rol

Output-Based Aid for Solid Waste Management in Nepal
This case study is part of a series to highlight project components that have enabled GPRBA to successfully deploy resu