Nepal Household Renewable Energy Access

Dissemination|Activity Status: Closed
  • Sector
  • Country
  • Amount
  • Approval Date
    April 20, 2013
    Closing Date
    March 31, 2015
  • Donors



This was a joint World Bank-IFC initiative to scale up off-grid household renewable energy access in rural Nepal.  The objectives of the initiative were:
  Recommend  technical assistance and  investment options for scaling up rural mini-/ micro-hydropower;
  Recommend options for scaling up renewable technologies (PV, biogas, biomass cook stoves, improved water mills), and the role of OBA/RBF instruments;
  Recommend opportunities for micro-finance institutions,  financial  intermediaries  and  the private sector;
  Outline the World Bank Group prospects for support  to  the  Government's  recent  National Rural  Renewable  Energy  Program  and  Central Renewable Energy Fund.


The activity has been completed. The analysis focused on limited feasibility for an IFC-World Bank operation because of the structure of the tariffs in the current policy environment. The Nepal Country Partnership Strategy with the World Bank explored including a dialogue on small renewable energy projects and potential partners informed by the analysis completed under this project.  
