Zambia: Solid Waste Management

Dissemination|Activity Status: Closed
  • Country
  • Amount
  • Approval Date
    June 01, 2016
    Closing Date
    November 30, 2016
  • Donors



The aim of this rapid study was to present the findings and framework for output-based aid/results-based financing (OBA/RBF) options in the municipal solid waste sector in Zambia. For maximum impact, the rapid study focuses on Kabwe, as the municipality presents a microcosm of issues faced across the country.

The study comprised of the following main activities: (i) a rapid assessment of the municipal solid waste (MSW) current legal and regulatory framework, sector policy and financing to  propose reform recommendations for improving the solid waste management system in Zambia; (ii) an assessment of the current design and performance of municipal solid waste service in  Kabwe; (iii)  an initial development of a customized OBA/RBF  project  design which takes into account  households  willingness to pay (WTP) and improves access and outcomes of MSW management in Kabwe municipality; and (iv)  presentation to discuss the findings and the proposed MSW options in Kabwe.

The rapid assessment study identified regulatory, technical, and financial challenges that constrained the management of Kabwe’s solid waste system. Particularly, the study and the dialogue with the government and other sector stakeholders noted a lack of by-laws to enforce waste regulation including discarding, sorting at source, disposing, and administering fines.

Among the technical challenges, capacity of Kabwe Municipal Council and waste haulers would need to be improved, including staffing, waste collection and transportation equipment (trucks and bins), etc.

As to financing challenges, the fee structure needed to be revised to allow cost recovery, and an efficient fee collection mechanism was to be put in place.

Lastly, a gap analysis needed to be completed to allow for an informed decision on the applicability of an RBF operation in Kabwe. This included, among others, an assessment of the capacity of private contractors, a market sounding and a survey on households’ willingness and ability to pay.