Uganda Health Impact Evaluation
Dissemination|Activity Status: Closed
$17,119 -
Approval Date
August 30, 2012Closing Date
August 31, 2013 -
The impact evaluation was to assess the development impacts of the Reproductive Health Vouchers in Western Uganda Project.
The project aimed to provide diagnoses and treatment of Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs) and safe child birth-related services.
The safe child birth component included ante-natal and post-natal visits as well as birth attendance by trained professionals, and provision of caesarean section. The project employed a voucher scheme targeting rural and poor peri-urban populations living in the areas of approved providers in the greater Mbarara region in western Uganda.
The project was expected to provide: Safe delivery - Decrease infant mortality - Decrease maternal mortality - Decrease maternal injuries related to delivery - Decrease child morbidity related to low birth weight and lack of prenatal care / skilled delivery - Increase productivity resulting from reduced morbidity Sexually transmitted diseases (STD) - Decrease morbidity of high risk target groups due to treatment - Decrease future morbidity due to behavioral change - Decrease productivity loss due to STDs.