Estimating Efficiency of Joint HIV and Reproductive Health Service Tranche 2

Dissemination|Activity Status: Closed
  • Sector
  • Country
  • Amount
    $1.62 million
  • Approval Date
    June 09, 2014
    Closing Date
    April 30, 2018
  • Donors



Overall, the activities divided into three tranches aim to produce new evidence about improving efficiency and effectiveness of HIV prevention through combining it with reproductive health services and delivering it as RBF/OBA. The evaluation is organized around three questions: (1) efficiency of combining and funding as RBF/OBA, (2) modeled impact of averted HIV and its consequences, and (3) modeled impact of averted unplanned pregnancies and their consequences.  This Tranche 2 supports baseline data collection and models the effectiveness of HIV and reproductive health services (with RBF as a delivery mode).

The deliverables under tranche 2 have been completed. Most disbursements took place in the prior reporting periods, following the methodology developed under Tranches 1 that closed in August 2017. In turn, the deliverables under Tranche 2 served as a basis for activities under Tranche 3 that is reported below.